Remembrance Reflection
Read: Psalm 25:1-7
There is only one area where our all-knowing God is forgetful: when it comes to remembering our past mistakes and wrongdoings. In this passage, the psalmist declares, “Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions” (Psalm 25:7, NRSV). In another psalm, we are reminded that “as far as the east is from the west, so far [God] removes our transgressions from us” (Psalm 32:12, NRSV). God has forgiven our sins, and remembers them no more.
If God has forgotten our sin, we too no longer need to hold onto the painful memories of our past mistakes. We don’t have to carry around those burdens of guilt anymore. There is not going to be a “gotcha!” moment where God throws our shameful past in our face. When God looks at us, God does not remember our sin or wrong choices. When God remembers us, it is through the eyes of steadfast love and eternal goodness. If God no longer remembers your sins, you don’t need to remember them either.
In closing out our theme of “Remember,” reflect on this: God remembers you. God has not forgotten you. Remember that God’s goodness and faithfulness goes behind you and before you. Remember that God will be there always for you. Remember that God has not abandoned you. Remember that God’s forgiveness is for now and always. May you know that God remembers your sin no more, but always remembers you.